Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Day 21 With VigRX Plus

Well boys and girls, I am still very pleased with the results of taking VigRX Plus.

Last night I had great erections as has been the case for the last 2 weeks or so.

Today when I took a trip to the restroom, I took a look in the mirror before putting my penis back in my pants. I was pleased to see that it appeared very plump and full even when flaccid.

This morning I also did some PC flexes and the jelq exercise that I described yesterday. I think I jelqed for about 3 minutes or so. When you do it right it really fills the penis tissue to the maximum.

The exercises seem to be amplifying the affects of the VigRX and Semenax. But remember, that VigRX and Semenax alone have done wonders without the exercises.

If you are still toying with the idea of giving VigRX a try, I encourage you to go for it. You have nothing to lose because they offer a 2 month money back satisfaction guarantee.

I'm being blown away after 3 weeks. I can't wait to see what's happening after 2 months.

The inspirational photo of the day... To remind you why it's worth taking care of your penis!


Anonymous said...


I've been reading your diary and have decided to take the plunge and order some VIgRX.

Maybe the picture you posted was the push that I needed! ha ha

somla said...


Our VigRX Plus Diary said...


I checked out your blog. You are gorgeous!