Thursday, May 22, 2008

Days 11-16 With VigRX Plus

I didn't have the opportunity to post anything for the last few days because we had unexpected company stop in for a visit and I didn't have any time to sit at the computer.

I am still getting great night time erections. My flaccid penis is more full. I am very pleased with the results of using VigRX Plus and Semenax.

One important lesson I have learned is not to take Semenax right before bed unless we are planning on having an extended sex session. Semenax seems to get me buzzing for a couple of hours and I can't get to sleep very quickly. That's a GOOD thing if we are planning on having a looooong sex session, but it's bad if I need to get to sleep right away.

If I take the Semenax with my evening meal a few hours before bedtime I sleep great! So I have learned that if I forget to take it with my meal, to simply not take it until the next day (if I need to get to sleep quickly).

I am now two weeks into this, which means that in another two weeks I should be experiencing the full effects of these products.

In reality, if I were to experience nothing more extreme than what I have already experienced I would STILL continue to use the products because the effects have been great.

Our sex life has improved, I am more confident, and it's just plain old great to be getting erections like I used to get back in my 20's.

I'm still giving it TWO BIG thumbs up.

I am taking VigRX plus with breakfast and Semenax later in the day (as explained above).

The Semenax came FREE with my 12 month order of VigRX Plus.
An Inspirational Photo

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