Sunday, June 1, 2008

Day 26 With VigRX Plus

Nothing really new to report today as far as VigRX Plus goes.

Last night I did not get to bed until very very late (thanks to work) and I ended up getting out of bed very very early. Since beginning with VigRX it was the first night that I didn't wake up with an erection. I think it was due to simply not being alseep long enough. In fact, I'm not sure if I slept at all.

As has been normal for the last 3 weeks, my penis is more full looking even when flaccid and it doesn't take much to get me hard. Seriously, just brushing up against my wife has done it a few times lately as has riding my motorcycle (the vibrations). Seriously, there are moments that I feel like a 7th grader fighting off boners in class.

At this point, I still think that it's worth giving VigRX a try. Especially since they have the money back guarantee.

Since it's done what it's done for me, I wonder how great the effects would be on a guy in his twenties.

The Inspirational Photo Of The Day:

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