Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Days 34-50 with VigRX Plus

I changed my mind after my last post (over two weeks ago) and decided to simply stick to the VigRX Plus without taking Semenax.

Well... It turns out that my erections have still remained VERY strong. In fact, a couple days ago I had the hardest erection I've had in probably 20 years. Seriously, it was like a pry bar.

My penis has not gotten notably longer over the past 50 days (about 1/4 inch), however my girth has noticably increased when erect and flaccid. I am very very pleased with the results.

When I stopped taking Semenax, I wasn't as horny throughout the day. There is something about Semenax that really seemed to keep me in more of an aroused state...which was a bit inconvenient at times because I got a few hard-ons at times that could have caused some embarrassment.

I think that when I go on vacation or on long weekends I am going to take Semenax (or before a date night with my wife), just to keep the arousal factor up.

VigRX has also had another exciting benefit over the last couple of weeks. Several times after having sex, my penis stayed hard enough to move on to round two immediately after ejaculation.

It was awesome to cum...and to keep on going until I came again, without having to take a break. That my friend has definitely not happened since my early 20's.

Night time erections are still strong as long as I get at least 7 hours of sleep. If I don't get enough sleep I don't get the erections.

Remember...night time erections are super important for penis health, so be sure to get enough sleep.

For 6 or 7 years before beginning to take VigRX Plus I was not having night time erections.

I am very THANKFUL that I found this product.

Since I haven't posted for a while... I think I'll post several motivational pictures for ya!

How about every mans fantasy?

Here's some for the ladies... They have the right to some fun fantasies too!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Days 29-33 With VigRX Plus

I apologize for not posting anything for the last several days, but I have simply not had time to get around to it.

I have gone past the one month point and I have come to a couple of conclusions...but before I share them with you, I want to recap what I've been doing up to this point.

When I ordered the 12 months supply of VigRX Plus, as a bonus gift they sent me a bottle of Semenax.

I began taking both products together. VigRX in the morning and Semenax at night.

VigRX is supposed to help with erection firmness and Semenax is supposed to be a semen volume enhancer.

When I was taking both products, the immediate effect seemed to be that I was very horny most of the time. I think that was mostly due to the Semenax with contains several ingredients that really help with testosterone production. The extra testosterone was causing me to have erections pretty much throughout the day...kinda like a flashback to the junior high years!

My erections were much harder...more frequent...and my ejaculate seemed to really be more volumous.

When my free bottle of Semenax started getting low... I cut way way back... In fact, the last three days or so I haven't taken any Semenax at all.

The result seems to be that the overall horniness and anytime erections have diminished. Yet, due to the VigRX I still get great erections for sex.

At this point, I think I am going to go ahead and order more Semenax. When it comes in, I may cut back on the VigRX and see what happens. ( I still have a month left on the VigRX plus money back guarantee, so that gives me some time to experiment).

I kind of think that the dramatic results I was experiencing are the result of using both products.

To take both products, will cost me close 2 or 3 bucks a day, but it's worth it.

I'm willing to give up a fancy cup of coffee to maintain a rock hard penis and a huge libido!

I'll give you another update when I've come to a final conclusion.

In the meantime, my recommendation is to go for it. Give one or both products a shot.

If you can only afford to try one, I think I would go for the Semenax first and see how it works.

On the other hand, you may want to do what I did, and spring for the 12 month supply of VigRX plus...get the free Semenax and try them together. If it doesn't knock your socks off...get your money back!

The way I see it, it's worth a shot, since they offer the satisfaction guarantee.

Here is the inspirational photo of the day:

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Day 28 with VigRX Plus

All I can say is "ditto" to what I said yesterday.

I'm really glad I started taking VigRX.

I'm just a few days away from one month of use and my sexual response and hardness when erect have improved greatly. Plus I am much more full in a flaccid state.

When my penis is erect, it's about 1/4 of an inch longer than it used to be, but it is much more firm.

When my penis is flaccid, it is about an inch or so longer and much fuller than it was before I started taking VigRX.

I can get hard anytime I want. Sometimes I even get hard when I'm not necessarily "wanting" to, but I won't complain about that.

Sexually speaking, for a guy in his 40's VigRX seems to be like a time machine for my penis! haha It's taken me back to my early years!

Most of the herbs in VigRX and Semenax have been used for centuries by people in the East. Now I understand why they have been used for so long. They really work.

Here's the inspirational photo of the day:

Monday, June 2, 2008


OK ladies and gentlemen,

At this point I really feel that the verdict is in. This is day 27 (I know, I know they say it takes over a month to start really experiencing what VigRX and Semenax are supposed to do), but I gotta tell you that I am sold on it.

Honestly, I was very skeptical, especially after spending money on so many products that really did nothing (even after several weeks). But VigRX has been different, as have the products that my wife has been taking. We are both really enjoying the effects of these things.

If you are interested in sexual supplements (I'm assuming you are interested or you wouldn't be reading this blog...unless I've drawn you back with the isnpirational photos of the day... LOL) I say, "GO FOR IT!"

Click one of the VigRX Plus links on this page and you will go directly to their site.

Do I get a small cut for referring you to them? Yes I do.

Is that why I want you to buy the product? Yes it is.

HOWEVER, I would not recommend a product that I do not take myself. I've been taking it for 27 days and I am being blown away with the results. I still have over 30 more days to give it a try before the money back satisfaction guarantee expires. I believe the money back promise is for 67 days after they ship the product. I received my order within 3 days of placing it.

I've been trying to keep you up to speed on my sexual activity since starting VigRX, and let me tell you, it's a challenge to try and write about your sex life for the world to read. But regardless...here we go...

Last night my wife and I had a great time on the couch and in bed. To sum it up simply, she delivered a very wonderful penis massage (She was the instigator by the way) which led to an awesome time of her on top in the "reverse cowgirl" position.

Sometimes she really enjoys having me play with her bottom while we have sex, and last night was one of those times.

She was so wet that I simply had to rub my fingers around the edge of her vagina while we were having sex and my fingers were so wet that I was easily able to slip first one, then two into her bottom. We both had tremendous orgasms!

OK...let's move on to the inspiriational photo of the day.

These three women had actually gotten together to plan a birthday party for one of their kids, but it turned into a make out session because they were all sexually frustrtated due to the fact that their husbands had reached their 40's, their work environment was stressful and they just couldn't perform like they used to.

If their husbands had only been taking VigRX...this sad scene would have never taken place! LOL

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Day 26 With VigRX Plus

Nothing really new to report today as far as VigRX Plus goes.

Last night I did not get to bed until very very late (thanks to work) and I ended up getting out of bed very very early. Since beginning with VigRX it was the first night that I didn't wake up with an erection. I think it was due to simply not being alseep long enough. In fact, I'm not sure if I slept at all.

As has been normal for the last 3 weeks, my penis is more full looking even when flaccid and it doesn't take much to get me hard. Seriously, just brushing up against my wife has done it a few times lately as has riding my motorcycle (the vibrations). Seriously, there are moments that I feel like a 7th grader fighting off boners in class.

At this point, I still think that it's worth giving VigRX a try. Especially since they have the money back guarantee.

Since it's done what it's done for me, I wonder how great the effects would be on a guy in his twenties.

The Inspirational Photo Of The Day: